


Morphological study of single cells and smalls clusters of cells by staining methods and optical microscopy for the diagnosis of hematological disorders.


Flow Cytometry

Detection of cells immunophenotypic abnormalities through flow cytometry technique to determine the cell lineages and alterations regarding hematological malignancies.

Biología molecular-icono

Molecular Biology

Study of molecular damages related to hematological malignancies by applying biomolecular technology, essential in leukemia and lymphomas prognosis and monitoring.

Genética Molecular-icono

Molecular Genetics

Analysis of molecular damages in hematological malignancies using FISH technique for the diagnosis, prognosis and monitoring of leukemia and myelomas.

Terapia Celular-icono

Cell Therapy

Procedures for stem cell harvesting, isolation and cryopreservation (hematopoietic and mesenchymal progenitors) for cell therapy.

Gestión de datos-icono

Data Management

Management, analysis, dissemination and publication of scientific data generated by Cell Biology Unit.